Monday, August 4, 2008

Best facial for adult acne and acid acne on chest

Acne appears when sebaceous glands inside the hair follicles (pores) of the skin become plugged, due to emissions that are produced faster than oil and skin cells can evacuate through the follicle. The plug causes the follicle to bulge (causing whiteheads), and the top of the plug can darken (causing blackheads). If the plug causes the surface of the follicle to rupture, the oil, devitalized skin cells, and microbes found normally on the surface of the skin can enter the skin and form small infected areas called pustules (also known as pimples or "zits").
Prescription medications are usually for moderate to more severe case of acnes. If your acne condition is relative mild, e.g. having one pimples or two, then you may not need them.
The skin needs Vitamin A in order to function properly. The outer membrane of each skin cell has receptors for retinoic acid. When skin cells are nourished by retinoic acid, then they can divide and grow properly. The proper growth of skin cells helps to prevent the formation of acne pimples.
tags: hormones and acne during menstruation, does clean clear work acne control cleanser, all natural acne scar treatments

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