Thursday, October 2, 2008

Acne differin medication

« ...The Lavender herb will help reduce the inflammation due to the acne and Lavender also has antiseptic. The Lavender is mixed with a carrier fluid or water should be applied directly to the affected acne areas for exterminating bacteria. Just as the Lavender herb, the Tree Essential Oil must be with water or carrier fluid. Tree Essential Oil also has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties for the top layer of skin with acne....
...It is not necessary to use a washcloth on the face. The removal of chemicals and oil does not require a lot of scrubbing. A lather created from medicated soap can be applied with the hands, providing one is sure to use clean hands....»
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«... If there is swelling, applying strawberry leaves to the inflamed areas may help to reduce the swelling....»
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tags: teenage acne prescriptions, acne in pregnancy, juliets all natural acne kit

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