Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to get rid of acne scars fast

« ...It has been medically proven that water is the best method to remove scars from acne and avoid acne flare ups. Drink approximately 8 10oz. glasses of water daily helps to get rid of dead skin. Vitamin E capsules are also good to remove scars from acne. Pierce the Vitamin E capsule with a small fine pin to release the Vitamin E liquid....
...Acne can be treated in simple ways as mentioned above. By adopting a good diet, skin care routine and hygienic habits, it will benefit more than just skin deep. It is a lifestyle transformation....»
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«...You can also use natural ingredients such as vitamin A., Aloe Vera, lemon juice, tea tree oil and zinc, and so on. Drink fresh carrot juice and you can also use herbal supplements which prevent against inflammation and can help with hormonal balance....»
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tags: pregnancy and chest acne, acne scar before and after treatment pictures, top natural acne drug

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