Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Acne pitting and home remedies

« ...In order to choose an appropriate acne treatment you need to know the cause of your acne. In most cases the sebum over-production and clogged pores is the culprit. This is why puberty with its frequent hormonal changes is the most usual time frame for acne....
...Toothpaste has also been known for an instant acne remedy. Remedies for acne are often overlooked, but can be effective in lessening the acne outbursts. Moderate to severe acne, you should always contact your doctor for prescription oral antibiotics that may be needed to reduce bacteria and fight inflammation. Acne becomes more marked at puberty and during adolescent because the glands, which affect the secretions of the sebaceous glands, are working at peak activity. Acne is the most common on skin of adolescents and young adults between ages 11 and 3 ...»
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«...2. A more regulated hormonal system...»
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tags: types of teenage acne, acne scar before and after treatment pictures, best treatments for cystic acne

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