Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to naturally cure acne

« ...Acne can be treated naturally as long as you are using products that are right for you. If you are not sure which to choose from, go check out websites on acne treatment reviews. The best acne products are usually highly raved and popular....
...For mild acne the treatment of whiteheads, blackheads and minor pimples usually consists of a cleansing treatment. You will need to cleanse the entire effected area with a mild soap. Once you have cleaned with a mild soap like Neutrogena or dove you will want to apply an over the counter benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These products can be found over the counter and mild acne should be able to be successfully treated without prescription medicine. Benzyl peroxide product such as Benxi, Benzac or even Clearasil work by killing the bacteria that causes the acne. This treatment can take one to two months to work. It will not create a natural resistance to the bacteria. Salicylic acid helps prevent the future clogging of pores and also helps breakdown whiteheads and blackheads. This medicine is found in many over the counter products such as Clearasil and Stri-Dex....»
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«...The length of time it takes for the procedure is dependent on the quantity of scars involved that the physician needs to work on. Generally speaking the procedure takes a little over an hour. Typically, three laser sessions within a period of a month is necessary....»
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tags: acne drying lotion overnight, does acne free work, blackheads

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