Thursday, October 2, 2008

Healthy skin care for acne

« ...The only surefire way for you to get the best acne skin care products for your particular situation is to check with a doctor who knows how to assess your skin type, the severity of your acne problem, and what products are best for you. Dermatologists and plastic surgeons can do this for you and they usually carry different brands of acne medications and acne care products in their clinics to sell to their patients for the purpose of helping them get rid of acne problems and maintain healthy skin. They may sometimes prescribe certain acne skin care products that they feel will benefit you more than other products. If you want, you can even bring a list of the acne products you find online and ask your dermatologist if any of these will work for you and your acne concerns....
...As everyone is aware, during the teenage years of a person's life, acne and breakouts can be a big problem which is usually be blamed all on hormones. In reality, it is because of the liver and its control over hormones and toxic waste which in turn cleans up our bodies and reduces acne. The bad news is that acne can be annoying and many teens can be self-conscience of their problem. The good news is that certain foods can help aid the liver in hormone control and to lessen the acne problem. Another good thing to help reduce acne is through the consumption of vitamin A, also known as beta-carotenes. Some good sources of vitamin A are apricots, yams, cantaloupe, carrots, spinach, kale and parsley....»
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«...As with many other ailments in today's world, many people prefer to use natural products rather than man made or harsh chemicals in the attempt to clear acne and prevent further breakouts. There is no doubt that there is improvement noted when a regimen of cleansing, good diet, and topical products which help to dry the lesions without destroying the skin is used in the natural treatment of the acne blemishes and the underlying causes. Vitamin A based products seems to fill the bill on all these areas. Also helpful is the benefits of salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide lotion....»
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tags: why is my medication making my acne worse, red marks from acne cream, info on acne herbal recipe

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