Sunday, September 28, 2008

Acne mark fading peel neutrogena

« ...The first one is skin hygiene. As the blemishes are caused by blocked pores becoming infected and inflamed, make a habit of cleansing the face with soap several times a day., and especially at bed time. Use ordinary household soap if you wish or buy some more expensive preparations from your local store....
...It is also found that a diet that contains a moderate amount of zinc can help to reduce the effects of acne in the body. Zinc helps to keep the skin clear. Some foods that are very high in zinc are proteins, dark meats contain higher zinc contents then white meat, also peanuts and beans contain zinc. Zinc can also be taken in 50 mg tabs for as long as you need, and reduced as the acne subsides....»
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«...Drinking freshly made fruit and vegetable juices can be a great addition especially carrot juice as it is quite effective at promoting healthy skin. You may even want to consider investing in a juicer of your own or you can find many fresh juice stands now in many major malls if you do not have the time to make it yourself....»
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tags: what is the best over the counter acne treatment, teenage acne remedy, fasting working acne scar removal

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