Sunday, September 28, 2008

How do you stop acne

« ...Apart from having a proper diet, it is essential to pursue timely acne treatment skincare in order to recover from acne. Using a good face wash helps you in cleaning your skin pores. Exfoliating masques and cleaners are the best way to manage your acne in an easy way as it cleanses the deep pores of your skin and makes it appear smooth and glowing. Make sure you use anti bacterial cleansers that kills acne causing bacteria. You can get anti bacteria gels, creams and lotions from your nearest chemist store. Try those anti bacteria creams that contain benzoyl peroxide. Using skin astringents and water based cosmetics in order to revive from skin itching and irritations in a simple way....
...Such products will eliminate the buildup of oils causing the scalp pimples. Even keeping the area dry for a few days is enough to clear the acne but only for the lucky. Pimples on the scalp can itch and sometimes be within the hairline and hard to reach. Doctors also believe that yeast, bacteria and even mites can live in the scalp causing this form of acne. Yeast infections can spread anywhere in or on the body - especially the skin. Medicated shampoos often work when mites are the cause of scalp pimples. In cases like this doctors can prescribe medication to kill the infections. In severe cases of scalp acne - a doctor may prescribe steroids....»
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«...Another common misconception is that acne has nothing to do with food . On the contrary, recent scientific studies have revealed a relationship between acne breakouts and diet. No it is not junk food or oily food. Actually , most junk food items or oily food DON'T fall under the category of food items that cause acne!...»
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tags: prescription acne medication, why does my acne itch, facials for acne good or bad

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