Saturday, September 27, 2008

What is the best laser treatment for acne scars

« ...Lemon remedy: Take the fresh juice of a lemon and apply to the affected area....
...Choose cosmetics that are water based and hypo-allergenic. Avoid oil free products, coal tar derivatives, and heavy creams. Make sure you wash your skin thoroughly every night to remove makeup residue. ...»
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«...First off, you should start exercising. Yes, you read correct. Exercising, believe it or not, is the one essential thing for keeping all organs of your body healthy. But hang on a minute you're thinking, how can exercise be the natural cure for acne? It isn't the natural cure for acne, but did you know that your skin is an organ, just like any other organ of your body? It requires nurturing and looking after. ...»
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tags: products to avoid for acne prone skin, does acne free work, does glycerin help get rid of acne

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