Sunday, September 28, 2008

Drug to stop acne

« ...Minocycline Treatment is derivative of tetracycline and very frequently, used as the best acne treatment for some persons. However, children's should not take this medication, since it will reduce growth of teeth and bones. As with doxycycline, minocycline can efficiently decrease potency of bacteria thriving into the skin pores. Along with the acne, it is as well noted to professionally provide the treatment for some other bacterial skin infections....
...Acne appears when sebaceous glands inside the hair follicles (pores) of the skin become plugged, due to emissions that are produced faster than oil and skin cells can evacuate through the follicle. The plug causes the follicle to bulge (causing whiteheads), and the top of the plug can darken (causing blackheads). If the plug causes the surface of the follicle to rupture, the oil, devitalized skin cells, and microbes found normally on the surface of the skin can enter the skin and form small infected areas called pustules (also known as pimples or "zits")....»
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«...Another herb that is very beneficial to your general health and acne condition is ginko biloba. It has the ability to improve blood circulation and immune system. The fact that it improves the blood circulation of your body means that it can aid in the detoxification of toxins in your body. You can find ginko biloba in your nearest drugstore....»
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tags: safe acne products during pregnancy, how does sulfur work on acne, home treatment for acne

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