Sunday, September 28, 2008

Home remedies for getting rid of acne fast

« ...As famous Greek physician, Hippocrates, once said, "Let your foods be your medicine and your medicine your food as nature is the healer of all diseases!" Although times have changed, Hippocrates's philosophy still holds true today. Back in his day, it was believed that the human body should represent itself as a whole, and not separate parts. As he believed, all a body needed for healing was good food, fresh air, and a clean environment. Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? Today, should Hippocrates come walking through that kitchen door, he would be shocked to see some of the greasy and fatty foods resting on our plates and lining our stomachs....
...Zinc, when taken, is proved to be able to boost immune system. With a strong immune system, you can eliminate p.acnes easily. Zinc also improves the absorption and effect of Vitamin A....»
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«...When you suffer from an acne scar, you actually have discolored tissue that has abnormal collagen function that replaces the healthy tissue. In order to be successful in treatment you must first remove the injured tissue and then regenerate new, active skin cells to take its place....»
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tags: how to clear face from acne scars, how to remove acne from face, to get rid of acne home remedies

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