Saturday, September 27, 2008

Review best acne spot care products

« ...A diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables will provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals. These foods are high in fibre so your intestines will move at a faster rate. Food that stay in your intestines too long will ferment, and then toxins will be absorbed into your body, and this will be reflected in the way your skin looks....
...All acne begins with one basic lesion: the "comedo", an enlarged hair follicle plugged with oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. It is invisible to the naked eye and lurks beneath the surface of your skin waiting for the right conditions to grow into an inflamed abrasion. As the skin continues to produce more oil, bacteria flourish within the swollen follicle. The surrounding skin becomes increasingly inflamed as your white blood cells fight against the intruders....»
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«...The adult acne may be due to continues physical pressure on your facial skin known as acne mechanical. Examples of this condition are holding a violin between the jaw and chin and the straps of a backpack. Some medications can induce acne. These medications include anabolic steroids, some anti-epileptic medications, the anti-tuberculosis drugs, some birth control pills and medication containing lithium and iodine....»
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tags: how to get rid of acne overnight remedies, proactive acne skin care, does showers help get off acne

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